
Wael Sharawy

In the dynamic environment of endodontic care, each interaction between patients, dental professionals, and clinical instruments is a source of invaluable data. When effectively utilized, this data can significantly enhance patient outcomes and catalyse the evolution of endodontic practices. 

Endodontists encounter a variety of data, from structured records of patient demographics and finances to unstructured formats including radiographs, cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), clinical notes, and clinical images. The challenge and opportunity lie in converting this multitude of data into actionable insights, leading to informed, data-driven decision-making. 

The presentation will shed light on the transformative power of clinical data in the real world. Outlining, how to leverage data-driven strategies to resolve complex clinical questions with greater precision. 

Learning Objectives
1. Develop a comprehensive endodontic data base beyond mere dental records.
2. Integrate data from different sources together.
3. Formulate a treatment plan grounded in data-driven insights.
4. To plan strategically for future clinical steps.
5. Discover your professional patterns and growth opportunities through the analysis of your practice data.